A Premier Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

The Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies is an open access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal that is devoted to publishing pioneering and groundbreaking research findings, outcomes, and studies being carried out by talented and gifted researchers, academics, scientists, scholars and other professionals engaged in the disciplines of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies is a leading interdisciplinary journal whose sole purpose is to facilitate the dissemination of theoretical, experimental and applied research outcomes being accrued by professionals carrying out exploratory and analytical studies across all specializations of Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies or Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies.

No Bars On Access & Author Rights

The fact that Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies is an open-access journal means that anyone from any part of the world can gain access to entire issues at any time, by paying a visit to www.cimachinelearning.com. Not only is there no need for one to subscribe to get access, but additionally all authors also get to hold on to the copyrights of all their published work.

Paramount Importance To Research Of The Highest Quality

Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies is highly sought after all across the globe, because of the fact that all research published herein, is carefully vetted by a dedicated reviewing committee for its accuracy, authenticity, relevance, up-to-dateness, and significance. That is why readers of Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies rest assured that any and all research data, outcomes, and findings that are published here, are of the highest quality.

Aim & Scope

Technoarete Transaction on Advances in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies (TTABCC) is a double-blinded peer-reviewed open-access International Journal Published by Technoarete Publishing. With the advent of Blockchain Technologies there has been a tremendous growth in its application in the digital system. This journal aims to promote global discussion on theories, applications and future trends of Blockchain Technology. This journal aims to serve as a platform for academician, research scholars and industrial expert to disseminate their research experience in the various aspect of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies- Evolution of blockchain mechanism, Analysis of transaction graphs, Decentralization mechanism for blockchain, Protocols and Algorithms for blockchain technology, Distributed ledger Technology, Permissioned ledger, Detection of fraud in blockchain technology, Hybridization of blockchain with other emerging technologies, Performance analysis and Optimisation techniques for a blockchain schemes, Detection and prevention of financial crisis adoption of cryptocurrency Bitcoin security fintech smart contracts.

The journals also covers the following topic as its scope- Human- Computer Interaction for Blockchain- based application, Blockchain based software engineering methodologies, distributed artificial intelligence in blockchain, blockchain forensics, Static and dynamic blockchains, Analysis of cryptocurrency protocols, Permissioned and permissionless blockchain, Big data and blockchain, Application of blockchain in the various sector such as banking,supply chain management, notation energy e-governance, industry, logistics, education and gaming.

Related Topics

Technoarete Transaction on Advances in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies (TTABCC) include but are not confined to the following topics:

Evolution of Blockchain Mechanism

Decentralization Mechanism for Blockchain

Distributed Ledger Technology

Analysis of Transaction Graphs

Protocols and Algorithms for Blockchain Technology

Permissioned Ledger

Detection of Fraud in Blockchain Technology

Detection and Prevention of Financial Crimes

Hybridization of Blockchain with other Emergent Technology

Performance Analysis and Optimisation Techniques for Blockchain Schemes

Adoption of Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin Security



Human-computer interaction for Blockchain based applications

Blockchain based software engineering methodologies

Distributed artificial intelligence in blockchain

Blockchain Forensics

Static and dynamic blockchains

Permissioned and permissionless blockchain

Big Data and blockchain

Analysis of Blockchain protocols

Application of blockchain in various sectors such as banking, supply chain management, Energy Management, Healthcare, Commerce, finance insurance, Logistics, e governance, education and gaming

Indexing Journals